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Mme Spicer's Shop

I'm a primary school Learning Support Assistant who teaches MFL. I love preparing resources for interventions (especially maths) and finding ways for children to learn kinaesthetically.

I'm a primary school Learning Support Assistant who teaches MFL. I love preparing resources for interventions (especially maths) and finding ways for children to learn kinaesthetically.
Tous différents Activity

Tous différents Activity

Each page of the wonderful book It's Okay To Be Different / Tous différents by Todd Parr. The book is so lovely and works really well in boosting confidence in young children by reminding them that they're all special because of who they are. Each page is written out in French and English and with boxes so that children can draw their own pictures for each caption. This can then be made into your own class book or made into a display if you have a French / MFL board in your classroom or corridor. I got all of my children to sign the last page too. If you use this resource, be aware that some of the pages talk about having different mothers/fathers/being adopted/having physical disabilities, but these pages can be omitted if you feel it's best for your class.
French Stopwatch Starter Activity

French Stopwatch Starter Activity

A lesson starter to help recap vocabulary. Stopwatches and questions are printed and laminated and put on a French classroom board, or somewhere visible. At the start of the lesson, children sit in a circle and 'pass' the question around the circle whilst being timed - for example, a child would ask 'comment t'appelles-tu ?' to the child on their left, who would answer and then ask the child on their left, who would answer and then ask the child on their left etc until all children have asked and answered and then the timer stops, and the time is written on the stopwatch. Next time you practise, see if the children can beat their time. This helps improve confidence and is a fun way to get children speaking and revising vocabulary! In the document are some sample questions but the document is fully editable to add whatever your class needs.
Multilingual Toilet Passes

Multilingual Toilet Passes

Four brightly coloured toilet passes for use in primary classes. Ideally to be laminated and a length of string tied around it and to be worn around the child's neck. Features 'may I go to the toilet?' in English, French, Spanish and Welsh. Can translate into other languages if needed!